Passing the Test (How to Prevent Emissions Test Failure)
March 26, 2023
Vehicle emission testing has become ubiquitous in North America and for a good reason. Clean air quality is important for the environment and all of us. Since vehicle emissions are among the main causes of air pollution, emission testing can alert you to problems in your vehicle than can be fix... More

Battery Replacement at Charlie's Fast Lube Perryville in Perryville
March 19, 2023
Hello, welcome to Charlie's Fast Lube Perryville. Today's focus is batteries. It seems like everything in Perryville runs on batteries. Of course, the batteries we're most concerned with here at Charlie's Fast Lube Perryville are those in our customer's vehicles. Just like the batteries in our s... More

Rear Window?Not the Movie! (Why Some Rear Windows Don't Go All the Way Down)
March 12, 2023
Alfred Hitchcock once made a mystery thriller film called "Rear Window." It had nothing to do with the rear window of today's cars, SUVs, CUVs and light trucks. But there is one thing that some drivers DO find mysterious. Why don't the rear windows in the second row of many of these vehicles go... More

Don't Blow a Gasket! (Valve Cover Gasket Replacement)
March 5, 2023
When you head out to your vehicle after it's been parked and notice oil leaking underneath it, that's something to have looked at right away. Oil leaks mean your oil level is probably low and running a vehicle in that condition can lead to expensive repairs. While there are many reasons oil leak... More